Access by appointment only

Swedish/holistic massage

(as classic massage, medium pressure)
This is the most common and best-known type of massage. It is the perfect way to start a massage. It is designed to improve circulation, soothe and relax the muscles. By stroking the limbs, pushing the muscles against each other, rubbing and tapping, muscle stiffness and tension are eliminated. Metabolism and circulation are positively influenced and waste products are flushed out.

30 minutes | CHF 69.–
60 minutes | CHF 119.–
90 minutes | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Thai aromatherapy

The massage uniquely combines aspects of traditional Thai massage with the soothing and relaxing effects of aromatherapy. By using oils for the massage, this type of massage is gentler and more relaxing without neglecting the essential approaches of traditional Thai massage. Soft music in the background can be beneficial during the massage, provided it is perceived as pleasant.

The massage uniquely combines aspects of traditional Thai massage with the soothing and relaxing effects of aromatherapy. By using oils for the massage, this type of massage is gentler and more relaxing without neglecting the essential approaches of traditional Thai massage. Soft music in the background can be beneficial during the massage, provided it is perceived as pleasant.

30 minutes | CHF 69.–
60 minutes | CHF 119.–
90 minutes | CHF 149.–

Online booking


Moderater Druck und angenehme Streichungen in Kombination mit zielgerichteten Dehnungen erreichen bei dieser Massage Entspannung für Körper und Geist. Sie lindert durch Belastungen im Alltag entstandene Verspannungen, sorgt für ein angenehmes Bauchgefühl, entschleunigt und kann die Schlafqualität nachhaltig verbessern. Es kommt zu einer tiefen Muskelentspannung mit Harmonisierung des Körpers und der Seele.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Traditional Thai massage

It is a combination of a holistic body and pressure point massage from head to toe. The interplay of gentle stretching with rhythmic pressure from the balls of the hands, thumbs, knees, elbows and feet relieves tension and stimulates the circulation and metabolism.

It is a combination of a holistic body and pressure point massage from head to toe. The interplay of gentle stretching with rhythmic pressure from the balls of the hands, thumbs, knees, elbows and feet relieves tension and stimulates the circulation and metabolism.

It begins with warm-up techniques to loosen the body, followed by a series of therapeutic massage techniques that bring relief while improving flexibility and balance. In this ancient Asian treatment method, the body is not only stretched and elongated, but also kneaded and energized. It feels a bit like yoga without having to exert yourself.

30 minutes | CHF 69.–
60 minutes | CHF 119.–
90 minutes | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Deep Tissue Massage

(very strong pressure)

Some people sometimes find this type of massage painful, but you will certainly feel better afterwards. This massage uses slow movements, deep pressure and tension to realign the muscle fibers. The massage focuses on the tense and sore areas. Fingers, hands and elbows are used to 'break up' the tension or knot in the muscles, giving you more freedom of movement.

The muscle fibers are stretched for better blood circulation. A deep tissue massage is recommended for aching shoulders, a stiff neck, tension in the lower back or other extremely tense areas.

In addition to pain relief, it also helps to release toxins stored in the muscles and remove them through blood circulation; it improves blood flow and loosens muscle fibers.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking


Die Lymphdrainage ist eine manuelle Entstauungstherapie und fördert den Transport der Lymphflüssigkeit. Oft entstehen Stauungen (Ödeme) von Lymphflüssigkeit / Wasser im Gewebe nach traumatischen Verletzungen, rheumatischen Erkrankungen, Allergien sowie hormonell bedingten Erkrankungen oder nach Operationen.

Diese exklusive, entgiftende, entwässernde und anregende Massage zielt auf die Muskel- und Energiebahnen ab und konzentriert sich vor allem auf die sensibelsten Partien als Teil einer langfristigen, präventiven Ausrichtung. Sie sorgt für eine tiefe und dauerhafte Entspannung.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Head, back and shoulder massage

A head, back and shoulder massage to relieve stress.

I use a special combination of deep tissue massage, pressure points and stretching techniques, specific to the problem area of the head, back or shoulder.

It relieves tension, increases vitality and flexibility and creates a unity of mind, body and spirit.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Hot Stone Massage

The hot stone massage is a full body massage in the style of a Thai massage using heated polished lava/basalt stones and warm aromatic oils. The stones are of volcanic origin, are heated to approx. 50 degrees and have the ability to store heat for a very long time.

The stones are used in different sizes and applied along the meridians (energy lines of the body - Sen), their soothing warmth in combination with the warm, soothing aromatic oils will improve your blood circulation and supply the tissue with more oxygen. The energy flow in the body is increased and harmonized. This results in deep muscle relaxation with harmonization of the body and soul.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Sport massage

After sport, we offer you a classic Thai relaxation massage with warm oils and herbal stamps to prevent muscle pain, cramps and sports injuries. The traditional Thai sports massage in combination with special sports oils relaxes the muscles and increases performance.

Sports massage is a very vigorous massage similar to traditional Thai massage. It differs from Thai massage in that it involves considerably more stretching exercises and stronger and more pressure points, which are massively supported with elbow, knee and foot techniques.

This massage is aimed at athletes and sportspeople who, due to their endurance and strength, often perform one-sided movements that usually cause partial pain due to muscle hardening.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

24 carat gold oil massage

The positive effect of gold leaf on the human body was already known in the 14th century. The life energy of humans is stimulated by the energetic charge of gold.

Treat yourself to a little luxury with a gold massage and feel the effect of pure gold on your skin. The special massage technique mixes precious 24-carat gold particles (meaning pure gold) with pure natural massage oil and applies them to the deeper layers of the skin.

Experience this soothing luxury full-body massage with warm, high-quality aromatic oil and pure gold. The treatment includes slow stroking and circular movements as well as classic massage elements. The energy points and pathways are brought into harmony and the body's own healing powers are activated.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Foot zone massage

Thai foot massage is one of the oldest forms of massage, which almost all masseuses learn and obtain a special certificate for. It should not be confused with the "foot reflex zone massage" used in Germany by doctors or specially trained therapists, although this also originated in Asia and only came to Europe in the 20th century.

Traditional Thai massage is used intensively here for acupressure treatment of the foot reflex zones. Among other things, it activates the blood and lymph flow and stimulates the body's defenses and self-healing powers.

The explanation for this is that the sensory nerves for the internal organs run through the whole body and are therefore connected to other organs. Many of them end in the feet, where a corresponding part of the foot is assigned to each internal organ. If our feet are tired, our body is tired too.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking


Bei der Lomi-Lomi-Massage oder Lomi-Lomi-Nui Massage wird der gesamte Körper durchgeknetet und dabei fühlt man sich nahezu majestätisch: Die fliessenden Bewegungen von Kopf bis Fuss und der Körpereinsatz des Masseurs garantieren wohlige Entspannung.

Durch warmes Öl und lange, fliessende Bewegungen erleben Sie ein Gefühl als würden Sie die Wellen des Meeres in eine tiefe Entspannung wiegen. Die Lomi-Lomi-Massage ist ein Verwöhnprogramm für alle Sinne.

30 Minuten | CHF 69.–
60 Minuten | CHF 119.–
90 Minuten | CHF 149.–

Online booking

Signature - Massage

Inner – Outer Strength

YupaLux hat "Signature Massage" lanciert, ein Massage-Programm, das erstellt wurde, um die Gleichgewicht wiederherzustellen.

Stellen Sie Ihre persönliche Wellness in den Vordergrund und meistern Sie das Jahr stärker und widerstandsfähiger mit Massage Programm "YupaLux Signature Massage". 

Sie können sich auf die Entwicklung ihrer inneren Stärke konzentrieren, indem sie sich Zeit zur Ruhe, Besinnlichkeit und Achtsamkeit nehmen.

60 Minuten | CHF 149.–
90 Minuten | CHF 199.–

Online booking